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Seth Goodkind


My previous work in illustration and comics naturally influences the tattoo work I create. Strong graphic linework and bold color are particularly interesting for me as are some of my favorite subjects such as the occult, religious iconography and relics, insects, genre movies, and calligraphy. Nevertheless, I'm always interested in exploring new concepts with my clients.

Affenspiel 1
Busted Head
Cicada Calligraphy Coverup
Danse Macabre Collage
Ether Throat 1
Felix Cerberus 1
Femur Talisman
Frog Tattoo
Goat Tattoo
Healed Lucifer Tattoo
IMG 20230618 183335
Jerusalem Cricket
Kickflip Dino
Lamb Tattoo
Lance Tipped Darner
Landscape Frame
Magician Talisman
Many Hands
Matching Baphomet
Megatibicen Resh Tattoo
Mt Ranier Frame
Outlast Baphomet
Rat Pigeon Tattoo
Red Tail Fly
Sailor Boys
Script And Bee Tattoo
Skelepede Collage
Skeleton Dance
Skeleton Lute
Strawberries Tattoo
Tank Girl Layout
Tarantula Wasp
Vacuum Tube Talisman
Woman Sword Tattoo
Zelda Dragon